Thursday, November 29, 2007

To March, verb...

To March: Some time before T-giving, but after Sue's surgery, she wanted to cook for some get-together. She has this compulsion to buy a new 3-pack of aluminum pans with lids before every such event. We now have a nice collection of the remaining 2 pans she never used.

I saw it on the list, and I chided her. To save $ and the environment, please use what we've got! She went shopping and bought new ones anyway. Out of spite? Laziness, too lazy to stand on a chair and get the others down?

On Thanksgiving, we were telling Bev & Denise the story. Sue said, "Then she MARCHED across the kitchen and fished them out of the rafters."


"Yes, you did. You marched across the kitchen and got them. Hup, two, three, four."

"I do not march."

"Yes you do. You were even in a marching band once!"

She got me there. I laughed. Ok, so it was much funnier when it was happening. But the 4 of us went on this riff about marching. Why is that always a choice verb used by arguing couples??