The Parking Job I Couldn't Believe.
As is sometimes the case, this a.m., Sue drove my truck to the gym because I was parked in back. When I managed to get my butt out of bed later, I took hers, and the switch to the appropriate vehicles took place there. Below is an e-mail to her describing what happened when I finished up at the gym.
Ok, so I have a question. You did not park my truck next to a white Toyota, a carolla I think, at the gym, did you? I sure as hell don't see HOW you could have parked it like that. I think it would have been impossible.
Basically, the person backed into the spot on my driver's side. S/He didn't really back in all the way either, so their FRONT bumper was not only nearly BLOCKING me at my BACK bumper, it wasn't too far from actually TOUCHING my bumper. I had to squish myself between the 2 cars to get to my driver door. Then I could barely open it. As s/he was parked at an angle, my door was at the "wider" end of the car-triangle, and had more room for the door to open. I had to do a "multi-point turn" to back out. Luckily, no one was on my passenger side. If there had been, I think I would have had to have gone into the gym to get the driver.
Now, the bizarre part... when I came out, the parking lot was NEARLY empty. When I arrived, there were plenty of parking spaces nearby, so WHY did they feel the need to park so close to me?! To nearly block me in? Was that their intent? If I were not as confident behind the wheel as I am, I would not have made it out of there. I would have had to have had them move their car or hit it. ("I'm older and have more insurance" kept ringing in my head.)
I left a nice little note on their car and took pics of their parking job with my cell phone... 'cause you just won't believe me, I'm sure! The note said something like, "Congratulations! You are the record holder for the worst parking job I have ever seen! What ever compelled you to park so close to my car and nearly block me in, especially when the whole rest of the freakin' parking lot is nearly empty? Luckily, after a multi-point turn I was able to get out, because there was not an IDIOT parked on my other side."
Asshole. I put the note around their door latch, sticking it to the latch with the moisture from the rain. Hopefully the water tension will hold it even though it's super windy today, so they won't miss it.