Thursday, December 07, 2006

Howie's Angels

Our downstairs neighbor, Howie, loves us. When he's not feeling well, we take his trash out. When he thought he was having a heart attack @ 9:30 @ night, we stayed with him until the ambulance came (even though LOST was on!) Now he calls us his Angels. We've started calling ourselves "Howie's Angels." We told him we've been running around singing the theme song, so the other night when he called and left a vm, he hummed it and then said, "Hello Angels!" Pretty funny.

Charlie's Angels was my fav tv show as a kid. We had Charlie's Angels EVERYTHING. The dolls, the walkie-talkies (that WORKED!), the lunchboxes, the trading cards. I even had a pink model van that Dad and I put together. I had all the posters I could find, except the Farrah poster(s). I wasn't into blondes then. Kate Jackson was my goddess. Only... when we played CA's, I didn't want to be Sabrina. I knew, even then, that I wanted to be WITH Sabrina. So I created my own character. I even would insert my own dialog when watching the show. I was Sabrina's younger sister, Sandy. Yup. You got it. Sandy Duncan.


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